Group Policy on AhsayCBS
This subcategory deals with configurations for Group Policies and User Groups, including the addition and deletion of either one, as well as the modification of already existing Group Policies or User Groups relative to their effects on Users.
- AddUserGroup
- DeletePolicyGroup
- DeletePolicyGroupFromUserGroup
- DeleteUserFromUserGroup
- DeleteUserGroup
- ListPolicyGroups (v1,v2)
- ListUserGroups
- ModifyUserGroup
- UpdatePolicyGroup (v1,v2)
- AddPolicyGroup
- AddPolicyGroupToUserGroup
This API lets you add a new User Group and allocate users to it.
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup/Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > User Group
Available Since Version: 9.1
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin, API or Read-Only API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
UserGroupName | String | Name of the user group. |
Type | String | The value can be any one of the following: backup-user (Default value). |
UserIdList | String | Multiple login names, separated by commas, are accepted. For example; user1, user2, user3. |
PolicyIDList | Array of String | Array of policy ID. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
ID | String | ID of User Group. |
JSON Objects
Key | Type | Description |
ContactId | String | ID of contact. |
Name | String | Name of contact. |
String | Email of contact. | |
Address | String | Address of contact. |
Company | String | Company of contact. |
Website | String | Website of contact. |
Phone1 | String | Telephone number of contact. |
Phone2 | String | Alternate telephone number of contact. |
Example 1
OUTPUT 2 - User Group already in use
"Message":"The user group name is already in use.",
Example 2: Add User Group in Assign Policy
This API allows you to delete a policy group.
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup/Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > Policy Group
Available Since Version: 9.1
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin or API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
ID | Boolean | ID of the policy group. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
This API allows you to delete a policy group.
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup / Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > User Group > % User Group Name % > Assigned Policy
Available Since Version: 9.1
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin or API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
UserGroupID | String | ID of the user group. |
PolicyGroupID | String | ID of the policy group. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
OUTPUT 2 - Policy group does not exist
"Message":"Policy group does not exist",
This API allows you to delete a users in a user group.
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup / Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > Backup User > % User Name % > User Profile > User Group
Available Since Version: 9.1
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin or API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
ID | String | ID of the user group. |
UserIdList | String | Multiple login names, separated by commas, are accepted. For example: user1, user2, user3. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
"UserIdList":"1497233409042, 1496977596356"
OUTPUT 2 - User does not exist
"Message":"[UserCacheManager.NoSuchUserExpt] User ‘1497233409042’ not found.",
This API allows you to delete a user group and all its information.
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup / Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > Backup User > % User Name % > User Profile > User Group
Available Since Version: 9.1
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin or API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
ID | String | ID of the user group. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
OUTPUT 2 - User group does not exist
"Message":"[Error] Parameter UserGroupID, 1497232492006 does not exist.",
ListPolicyGroups (v1,v2)
This API can be used to retrieve the group policy settings of a backup user.
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup / Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > Policy Group
Deprecated Since Version:
For features related to Quota Management, administrator needs to utilize v2
Available Since Version: 9.7
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin or API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
LoginName | String | Username of the backup user. |
PolicyGroupNameOnly | Boolean | Optional parameter can be true / false, default value is false. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Data | Array (data of NameInfo or PolicyGroup) | If parameter PolicyGroupNameOnly is true, only data under NameInfo is returned. Otherwise, PolicyGroup is returned. |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
JSON Objects
Key | Type | Description |
PolicyGroupID | String | ID of the policy group. |
PolicyGroupName | String | Name of the policy group. |
Key | Type | Description |
PreemptedValues | Array | Array for the preempted values of the policy group. |
Type | String | The value can be one of the following: BACKUP_USER or SYSTEM_USER. |
Owner | String | System user that owns the policy group. |
GuiSettings | Array | Array for the GUI settings of the policy group. |
PreemptedBackupSetSettings | Array | Array for the preempted backup set settings of the policy group. |
BackupSetSettings | Array | Array for the backup set settings of the policy group. |
UserSettings | Array | Array for the user settings of the policy group. |
MobileSettings | Array | Array for the mobile settings of the policy group. |
DefaultValues | Array | Array for the default values of the policy group. |
ID | String | ID of the policy group. |
Name | String | Name of the policy group. |
Other Parameters Under Policy Group
Key | Type | Description |
VmwareSettingsList | Array | Array for VMware settings. |
VolumeShadowCopySettingsList | Array | Array for Volume Shadow Copy settings. |
AllowedIPSettingsList | Array | Array for Allowed IP settings. |
FollowLinkSettingsList | Array | Array for Follow Link settings. |
InFileDeltaSettingsList | Array | Array for In File Delta settings. |
CompressionsSettingsList | Array | Array for Compression settings. |
WinUserAuthSettingsList | Array | Array for Windows User Authentication settings. |
FileSettingsList | Array | For use with v1 only. |
GranularRestoreSettingsList | Array | Array for Granular Restore settings. |
OpenDirectSettingsList | Array | Array for OpenDirect settings. |
MswindowsSystemStateSettingsList | Array | Array for MS Windows System State settings. |
DestinationSettingsList | Array | Array for Destination settings. |
BandwidthControlSettingsList | Array | Array for Bandwidth Control settings. |
NameSettingsList | Array | Array for Name settings. |
MySQLSettingsList | Array | Array for MySQL settings. |
FilePermissionsSettingsList | Array | Array for File Permission settings. |
RetentionPolicySettingsList | Array | Array for Retention Policy settings. |
ShadowProtectSettingsList | Array | Array for ShadowProtect settings. |
AdvancedSettingsList | Array | Array for Advanced settings. |
CommandSettingsList | Array | Array for Command settings. |
TemporaryDirectorySettingsList | Array | Array for Temporary Directory settings. |
OracleSettingsList | Array | Array for Oracle settings. |
LotusNotesSettingsList | Array | Array for Lotus Notes settings. |
ReminderSettingsList | Array | Array for Reminder settings. |
FilterSettingsList | Array | Array for Filter settings. |
MswindowsSystemSettingsList | Array | Array for MS Windows System settings. |
LotusDominoSettingsList | Array | Array for Lotus Domino settings. |
ScheduleSettingsList | Array | Array for Schedule settings. |
EncryptionSettingsList | Array | Array for Encryption settings. |
ArchivedLogDeletionSettingsList | Array | Array for Archived Log Deletion settings. |
CdpSettingsList | Array | Array for Continuous Data Protection settings. |
SourceShortcutSettingsList | Array | Array for Source Shortcut settings. |
MariaDBSettingsList | Array | Array for MariaDB settings. |
RecycleBinSettingsList | Array | Array for Recycle Bin settings. |
DeduplicationSettingsList | Object | Refer to DeduplicationSettingsList, list of Deduplication settings. |
TiberoSettingsList | Array | Array for Tibero settings. |
PostgreSQLSettingsList | Array | Array for PostgreSQL settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Host | String | Host IP for VMware. |
Port | String | Port for VMware host. |
Username | String | Login name for VMware host. |
Password | String | Password to authenticate VMware host. |
Sshport | String | SSH port used, default is 22. |
Id | String | ID of VMware host. |
Version | String | Version of VMware host. |
AutoEnableCBT | Boolean | Automatically enabled Changed Block Tracking when AhsayOBM detects VDDK mode |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of Applied Value. |
Type | String | For DefaultValues, this value is “default”. For PreemptedValues, this value is “preempted”. |
Mode | String | For DefaultValues, this value is empty. For PreemtedValues, this value can be one of the following: prepend, append and override. |
Name | String | Name of Applied Value. |
Os | String | This value can be empty, or one of the following: windows, mac and linux. |
AppliedModuleIDList | Array | The string can be any of the following values: FILE, Cloud File, Lotus Domino, Lotus Notes, MariaDB, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Exchange Mail (MAPI), Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Windows Virtualization, Microsoft Windows System Backup, MySQL, Oracle Database Server, Shadow Protect Bare Metal, System State, VMware Virtualization, Office 365 Exchange Online, Tibero Database Server. If a string above is added to the array, that module is selected. |
Version | String | This value can be empty, or non-empty for specific modules. For VMWare module, the value can be one of the following: APPVERSION_ESX_V2, APPVERSION_ESXI_V2, APPVERSION_VMSERVER1, APPVERSION_VMSERVER2, APPVERSION_WORKSTATION, APPVERSION_WORKSTATION8, APPVERSION_PLAYER, APPVERSION_FUSION, APPVERSION_FUSION5, APPVERSION_VCENTER_V2. For Microsoft Exchange and Exchange Mail module, the value can be one of the following: 8 (For Microsoft Exchange Server 2007), 14 (For Microsoft Exchange Server 2010), 15 (For Microsoft Exchange Server 2013) and DAG13 (For Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 (Database Availability Group)) For Microsoft Hyper-V module, the value can be one of the following: Microsoft Hyper-V Server, Microsoft Hyper-V Server R2, Microsoft Hyper-V Server R2 (FailoverCluster), Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012, Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 (FailoverCluster), Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 (FailoverCluster). |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Id | Array | Array list of settings. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of settings. |
AllowedIPList | Array | Array list of Allowed IPs. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of Allowed IP. |
StartIP | String | Starting IP address, i.e. "From". |
EndIP | String | Ending IP address, i.e. "To". |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Id | String | ID of setting. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Id | String | ID of setting. |
WeeklyInFileDeltaSchedule | Array | See WeeklyInFileDeltaSchedule. |
MonthlyInFileDeltaSchedule | Array | See MonthlyInFileDeltaSchedule. |
MinDeltaFileSize | Long | Minimum delta file size. |
MaxNumOfDelta | Long | Maximum delta file size. |
MaxDeltaRatio | Long | Maximum delta ratio. |
DeltaBlockSize | Long | Value of block size. |
DefaultDeltaType | String | Delta type. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Day | Array | The array contains 7 strings, representing the delta type from Sunday to Saturday. The value of the strings can be one of the following: F (for full backup), D (for differential delta) and I (for incremental delta). |
Key | Type | Description |
Date | Long | Shows the selected day of the month. |
Criteria | String | The value can be one of the following: Weekday, Weekend, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. |
Occurence | String | The value can be one of the following: First, Second, Third, Fourth and Last. |
Month | Array | The array contains 12 strings, representing the delta type from January to December. The value of the strings can be one of the following: F (for full backup), D (for differential delta) and I (for incremental delta). |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
OverwriteDefaultCompression | Boolean | If True, overwrite default compression type to "Fast with optimization for local". When the default compression type is "Fast" and:
Only CompressionsSettingsList of DefaultValues has this parameter. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of setting. |
Type | String | The value can be empty or one of the following: GzipDefaultCompression (Normal), GzipBestSpeedCompression (Fast) and SnappyDefaultCompression (Fast with optimization for local). |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of setting. |
Domain | String | Domain name/host name for AhsayOBM/AhsayACB to access network location. |
Password | String | Password to access domain. |
Username | String | Username used to access domain. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Version | String | Version of AhsayCBS where setting was made. |
@class | String | com.ahsay.obx.cxp.cpf.policy.values.source.FileSettings com.ahsay.obx.cxp.cpf.policy.values.source.Office365SourceShortcutSettings |
WindowsOutlook | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to Outlook. Applicable for File backup set only. |
WindowsOutlookExpress | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to Outlook Express. Applicable for File backup set only. |
WindowsDesktop | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to Desktop. Applicable for File backup set only. |
WindowsFavourites | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to Favourites. Applicable for File backup set only. |
WindowsMail | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to Windows Mail. Applicable for File backup set only. |
WindowsMyDocuments | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to My Documents. Applicable for File backup set only. |
WindowsLiveMail | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to Windows Live Mail. Applicable for File backup set only. |
Destination | Array | Applicable for Microsoft 365 backup set only. |
OneDrive | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to OneDrive. Applicable for Microsoft 365 backup set only. |
PublicFolders | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to Microsoft 365 Public Folders. Applicable for Microsoft 365 backup set only. |
SiteCollections | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to Microsoft 365 SharePoint Site Collections. Applicable for Microsoft 365 backup set only. |
Outlook | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to Microsoft 365 Outlook. Applicable for Microsoft 365 backup set only. |
RunOnServer | Boolean | Run on server option. Applicable for Microsoft 365 backup set only. |
PersonalSites | Boolean | Backup source shortcut to Microsoft 365 SharePoint Personal Sites. Applicable for Microsoft 365 backup set only. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the MS Windows System State setting. By default, a standard ‘Default’ setting will be in place should no custom setting be set. |
Version | String | Version of AhsayCBS where setting was made. |
BackupTarget | String | Temporary location for the system backup. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
SystemDestinationIDList | Array | Array of System Destination IDs. |
DestinationList | Array | Array list of Destinations. |
SystemDestinationList | Array | Array list of System Destinations. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
BandwidthControlList | Array | List of existing Bandwidth controls. |
Mode | String | The value can be one of the following: independent or share. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Name | String | Name of the bandwidth control. |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
StartDay | Long | Starting day of the bandwidth control, which may be one of the following: Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, Tuesday = 3, Wednesday = 4, Thursday = 5, Friday = 6 and Saturday = 7. |
StartHour | Long | Starting hour of the bandwidth control. Range is between 0 and 23. |
StartMinute | Long | Starting minute of the bandwidth control. Range is between 0 and 59. |
EndDay | Long | Day when bandwidth control ends. Similar values as StartDay. |
EndHour | Long | Ending hour of the bandwidth control. Range is between 0 and 23. |
EndMinute | Long | Ending minute of the bandwidth control. Range is between 0 and 59. |
MaxTransferRateInBitsPerSec | Long | Transfer rate per second. Can be measured in Kbit/s, Mbit/s and Gbit/s. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Name | String | Name of the setting. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Host | String | Host of the MySQL server. Default is localhost. |
Port | String | Listening port of MySQL server. Default is 3306. |
Username | String | Login ID of the MySQL system account. |
Password | String | Password of the MySQL system account. |
MysqldumpPath | String | Path to the mysqldump file. |
Version | String | AhsayCBS version where the setting was made. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | ID of the setting. |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Period | Long | Number of days or jobs until deleted files are removed. |
OverlapSensitive | Boolean | True / False |
AdvancedRetentionPolicyList | Array | List of all Advanced Retention Policies. |
Type | String | The value can be one of the following: SIMPLE or ADVANCED. |
Unit | String | The value can be one of the following: DAYS or JOBS. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Name | String | Name of the retention policy. |
ReadOnly | Boolean | True / False |
Id | Long | ID of the retention policy. |
Type | String | The value can be one of the following: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, YEARLY or CUSTOM. |
NumbersToKeep | Integer | Number of X where files are kept within the retention area, with X being the Type. For example, if X is set as Daily, and NumbersToKeep is set to 12, then files are kept for 12 Days, except for the Custom type, where the number will be set to 0. By default this is set to 1. |
Day | Integer | Refers to the “Day” within each Month when setting the policy’s type to either Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, or Custom. |
Week | Integer | When type is Monthly, refers to the order of the week in a month. |
Month | Integer | When type is Quarterly, refers to the order of the month per quarter. Below are the quarter divisions and the months they contain:
When type is Yearly, month refers to the specific month in a year. |
Year | Integer | Refers to the specified year when retention policy type is Custom. |
DateType | String | It can be empty for daily or weekly retention policy, or one of the following: WEEK_OF_MONTH, WEEK_OF_YEAR or EXACT. |
Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat | Boolean | For weekly custom retention policy. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the ShadowProtect setting. |
EncryptionAlgorithm | Long | Type of algorithm used to encrypt the image file in the temporary directory. This will be displayed as an integer ranging from 0 to 4. The following are the algorithm that may be used:
EncryptionPassword | String | Password used for encryption. |
Version | String | AhsayCBS version where the setting was made. |
InstallLocation | String | Path to the ShadowProtect image. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
DeselectedSourceList | Array | List of deselected sources. |
SelectedSourceList | Array | List of selected sources. |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
PreCommandList | Array | List of pre-backup commands. |
PostCommandList | Array | List of post-backup commands. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the command setting. |
Name | String | Name of the command setting. |
Type | String | The value can be one of the following: pre (for Pre-command) or post (for Post-command). |
Command | String | Pre or post backup command to be run. |
WorkingDir | String | Directory or address where the backup command will be run. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the Oracle setting. |
Host | String | Host of the Oracle server. Default is or localhost. |
Port | String | Listening port of Oracle server. Default is 1521. |
LoginID | String | ID used to login to Oracle. Default is system login. |
Password | String | Password used to login to Oracle. |
Sid | String | Oracle SID. |
Version | String | AhsayCBS version where the Oracle setting was made. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
NotesIniPath | String | Path to the Notes.ini file. |
Version | String | AhsayCBS version where the setting was made. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
OfflineNotificationDay | Long | This setting is only applicable for v6 legacy backup users. |
BackupIntervalHour | Long | Range is from 00 - 23. |
OfflineBackupEnabled | Boolean | On / Off |
OfflineBackupReminderComputerName | String | The computer name for the offline backup reminder. |
BackupIntervalDays | Long | Range is from 00 - 31. |
ShowOfflineBackupReminder | Boolean | True / False |
LogoutBackupReminderEnabled | Boolean | On / Off |
LogoutBackupReminderComputerName | String | The computer name for the logout backup reminder. |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
FilterList | Array | See Filter. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Name | String | Name of the filter. |
PatternList | Array | List of patterns. |
ApplyToDir | Boolean | Apply filters to directory. |
ApplyToFile | Boolean | Apply filters to file. |
TopDir | String | Apply filter to specific directory only. |
Type | String | The value can be one of the following: START_WITH, END_WITH, CONTAIN or CUSTOM. |
MatchPatternAgainstFulPathOnly | Boolean | Matches pattern to full path. |
Include | Boolean | Exclude or include the matched files/folders under top directory. |
Only | Boolean | If set to true, will not include all unmatched files/folders. If set to false, will include all unmatched files/folders. |
Key | Type | Description |
Pattern | String | Pattern used for the filter. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Version | String | Versio of AhsayCBS when the setting was made. |
BackupTarget | String | Temporary storage location of the MS Windows System. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Version | String | Version of AhsayCBS when the setting was made. |
NotesIniPath | String | Path to the notes.ini file. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Host | String | Hostname or IP of the Tibero Database Server. |
Port | String | Port used by Tibero Database Server. Default is 8629. |
LoginID | String | ID used to login to Tibero Database Server. |
Password | String | Password used to login to Tibero Database Server. |
Sid | String | Tibero Database Server SID. |
Version | String | Version of AhsayCBS when the setting was made. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
ComputerName | String | Name of the computer. |
DailyScheduleList | Array | List of all Daily Schedules. |
WeeklyScheduleList | Array | List of all Weekly Schedules. |
MonthlyScheduleList | Array | List of all Monthly Schedules. |
CustomScheduleList | Array | List of all Custom Schedules. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
ReadOnly | Boolean | True / False |
Name | String | Name of the setting. |
Id | Long | ID of the setting. |
Hour | Integer | Referred to as HH. It is the schedule when the backup will start (HH:MM). |
Minute | Integer | Referred to as MM. It is the schedule when the backup will start (HH:MM). |
Duration | Integer | (optional) If no value is specified, default value = -1. The value can be one of the following: until full backup completed = -1 or stop backup after xx hours = 1 to 24. |
BackupType | String | The value can be empty or one of the following: DATABASE, DIFFERENTIAL, LOG, SKIP or POWEROFF. For Oracle and Lotus Domino backup sets, the value must be DATABASE or LOG For MS SQL Server backup sets, the value must be DATABASE or DIFFERENTIAL. For MS Exchange Server before 2007 and Shadow Protect backup sets, the value must be DATABASE, DIFFERENTIAL, or LOG. For MS Exchange Server 2007 or above, the value must be DATABASE or LOG. For VMware backup sets, if version is VMware Server 1 or VMware Player, the value must be SKIP or POWEROFF. |
SpaceFreeUpEnabled | Boolean | Remove obsolete files according to retention policy from backup destination according to retention policy. |
LastUpdateTime | Long | Last time of update. |
@class | String | com.ahsay.obx.cxp.obs.DailySchedule |
BackupInterval | Integer | Support periodic schedule backup for all backup set types. The value can be -1 or one of the following: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480 or 720. (-1 means periodic schedule is disabled that it is a normal schedule) |
Key | Type | Description |
ReadOnly | Boolean | True / False |
Name | String | Name of the setting. |
Id | Long | ID of the setting. |
Hour | Integer | Referred to as HH. It is the schedule when the backup will start (HH:MM). |
Minute | Integer | Referred to as MM. It is the schedule when the backup will start (HH:MM). |
BackupType | String | Refer to BackupType of DailySchedule. |
Duration | Integer | (optional) If no value is specified, default value = -1. The value can be one of the following: until full backup completed = -1 or stop backup after xx hours = 1 to 24. |
Days | Array | The array contains 7 boolean values that corresponds to Sunday to Saturday. If the boolean value is true, the backup will run on that day. |
SpaceFreeUpEnabled | Boolean | Remove obsolete files according to retention policy from backup destination according to retention policy. |
LastUpdateTime | Long | Last time of update. |
@class | String | com.ahsay.obx.cxp.obs.WeeklySchedule |
BackupInterval | Integer | Support periodic schedule backup for all backup set types. The value can be -1 or one of the following: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480 or 720. (-1 means periodic schedule is disabled that it is a normal schedule) |
Key | Type | Description |
ReadOnly | Boolean | True / False |
Name | String | Name of the setting. |
Id | Long | ID of the setting. |
Hour | Integer | Referred to as HH. It is the schedule when the backup will start (HH:MM). |
Minute | Integer | Referred to as MM. It is the schedule when the backup will start (HH:MM). |
BackupType | String | Refer to BackupType of DailySchedule. |
Duration | Integer | (optional) If no value is specified, default value = -1. The value can be one of the following: until full backup completed = -1 or stop backup after xx hours = 1 to 24. |
Occurence | String | The value can be one of the following: First, Second, Third, Fourth or Last. |
Criteria | String | The value can be one of the following: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Weekday or Weekend. |
SpaceFreeUpEnabled | Boolean | Remove obsolete files according to retention policy from backup destination according to retention policy. |
LastUpdateTime | Long | Last time of update. |
@class | String | com.ahsay.obx.cxp.obs.MonthlySchedule |
Key | Type | Description |
ReadOnly | Boolean | True / False |
Name | String | Name of the setting. |
Id | Long | ID of the setting. |
Hour | Integer | Referred to as HH. It is the schedule when the backup will start (HH:MM). |
Minute | Integer | Referred to as MM. It is the schedule when the backup will start (HH:MM). |
Duration | Integer | (optional) If no value is specified, default value = -1. The value can be one of the following: until full backup completed = -1 or stop backup after xx hours = 1 to 24. |
Date | String | In yyyy-MM-dd format. |
BackupType | String | Refer to BackupType of DailySchedule. |
SpaceFreeUpEnabled | Boolean | Remove obsolete files according to retention policy from backup destination according to retention policy. |
LastUpdateTime | Long | Last time of update. |
@class | String | com.ahsay.obx.cxp.obs.CustomSchedule |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
KeyLength | Long | Length of encryption key. |
Key | String | Encryption key. |
Type | String | Can be one of the following: DEFAULT, USER PASSWORD or CUSTOM. |
Algorithm | String | Type of encryption used (Twofish, DESede, AES). |
Mode | String | Can be one of the following: ECB or CBC. |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Days | Long | Number of days. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Type | String | For version 6, the value can be one of the following: all-volume, backup-source or custom-source. For version 8+, the value is all-volume |
BackupType | String | The value can be empty or one of the following: DATABASE, DIFFERENTIAL, LOG, SKIP or POWEROFF. For Oracle and Lotus Domino backup sets, the value must be DATABASE or LOG For MS SQL Server backup sets, the value must be DATABASE or DIFFERENTIAL. For MS Exchange Server 2007 or above, the value must be DATABASE or LOG. For VMware backup sets, if version is VMware Server 1 or VMware Player, the value must be SKIP or POWEROFF. |
MinUpdateInterval | Long | Minimum frequency of updates. |
TimeMarkInterval | Long | Set frequency of automatic backup job run. |
MaxFileSize | Long | Maximum file size CDO setting applies to. |
ComputerName | String | Name of the computer. |
ExcludeSystemFiles | Boolean | Do not backup system files. |
FilterList | Array | List of filters. |
CdpBackupControlSettings | Array | See CDPBackupControl. |
Version | String | The value can be one of the following: 6, 7 or 8. |
SelectedSourceList | Array | Array of selected sources. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
ConsiderCpuUsage | Boolean | This setting is only applicable for v6 legacy backup users. |
CpuUsage | Integer | This setting is only applicable for v6 legacy backup users. |
ConsiderInput | Boolean | This setting is only applicable for v6 legacy backup users. |
ObserveInputForSecond | Integer | This setting is only applicable for v6 legacy backup users. |
ConsiderNetworkTraffic | Boolean | This setting is only applicable for v6 legacy backup users. |
NetworkTraffic | Long | This setting is only applicable for v6 legacy backup users. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Enable | Boolean | Enable moving the files to the Recycle Bin when remove file from Retention Policy or DIC |
RetentionPeriod | Integer | Number of days files will be kept in the recycle bin. |
Key | Type | Description |
MaximumBackupSetsSettings | Array | Array setting of maximum amount of backup sets. |
HostLimitSettings | Array | Array list of maximum number of hosts. |
RunDirectLimitSettings | Array | Array list of maximum number of VMs. |
AdvertisementSettings | Array | Array list of advertisement settings. |
BackupDestinationSettings | Array | For v2, the EnableQuota and Quota parameters have been removed from this JSON object. They will be displayed under the UserQuotaSettings JSON object. |
LogonSettings | Array | Settings for login. |
EncryptionKeySettings | Array | Array list of encryption key settings. |
EmailReportSettings | Array | Array list of email report settings. |
UserQuotaSettings | Array | Array list of quotas for users. |
QuotaSettings | Array | Array list of quotas settings. |
CloudBackupSourceSettings | Array | Array list of cloud backup source settings. |
PasswordSettings | Array | Array list of password settings. |
SharedQuotaSettings | Array | Array list of shared quota settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
MaximumBackupSetsPerUser | Long | Maximum amount of allowable backup sets that can be created by user. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
MaxHost | Long | Maximum number of hosts per user. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
MaxVm | Long | Maximum number of VMs per user. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
AdvertisementList | Array | Array list of advertising options/settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
ApplicationName | String | Name of application. |
CustomDestinationList | Array | Array list of custom destinations. |
SystemDestIDList | Array | Array list of destination IDs. |
SystemDestinationList | Array | Array list of system destinations. |
CustomDestinationList (BackupDestinationSettings)
Key | Type | Description |
Name | String | Name of the destination. |
@class | String | The value can be one of the following:
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
ApplicationSecret | String | For Dropbox only. |
ClientID | String | For Google Drive destination, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business (Global and Germany region) only. |
ChinaClientID | String | For OneDrive for Business (China region) only. |
ClientSecret | String | For Google Drive destination and OneDrive only. |
RedirectURI | String | For OneDrive and OneDrive for Business (Global and Germany region) only. |
ChinaRedirectURI | String | For OneDrive for Business (China region) only. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
InvalidLoginAttemptPeriod | Long | Number of invalid login attempts. |
BlockMinute | Long | Specified time period for invalid login attempt (minutes). |
BlockHour | Long | Specified time period for invalid login attempt (hours). |
NumOfInvalidLogin | Long | Number of invalid login attempts allowed within a specified time period. |
BlockType | String | The value can be one of the following: MINUTE, HOUR or FOREVER. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Upload | Boolean | True / False |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
ConsolidatedReportSendMin | Long | Time (minute) consolidated e-mail report will be sent. |
ConsolidatedReportSendHour | Long | Time (hour) consolidated e-mail report will be sent. |
SendIndividualReport | Boolean | True / False, sends individual e-mail reports to users. |
SendConsolidatedReport | Boolean | True / False, sends consolidated e-mail reports to users. |
ContactList | Array | Array list of contacts. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
QuotaList | Array | List of all quota settings. |
QuotaType | String | Quota type, either TOTAL_QUOTA or PER_DESTINATION_QUOTA. |
StorageQuota | Long | Total quota in GB. |
DefaultMode | Boolean | True / False. If false, this means that “mode” has been set to “Preempted”. |
QuotaList (UserQuotaSettings)
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Quota | Long | Unit in byte. |
DestinationName | String | Name of the backup destination. |
DestinationKey | String | ID of the backup destination. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Compress | Boolean | True / False |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
CloudSourceList | Array | Array list of cloud sources. |
CloudSourceList (CloudBackupSourceSettings)
Key | Type | Description |
Name | String | Name of the destination. |
@class | String | The value can be one of the following:
ApplicationSecret | String | For Dropbox only. |
ClientID | String | For Google Drive destination, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business (Global and Germany region) only. |
ChinaClientID | String | For OneDrive for Business (China region) only. |
ClientSecret | String | For Google Drive destination and OneDrive only. |
RedirectURI | String | For OneDrive and OneDrive for Business (Global and Germany region) only. |
ChinaRedirectURI | String | For OneDrive for Business (China region) only. |
BusinessApplicationKey | String | Application key of Dropbox for Business, for Dropbox only. |
BusinessApplicationSecret | String | Application secret of Dropbox for Business, for Dropbox only. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
Type | String | The value can be one of the following: DEFAULT or CUSTOM. |
Number | Boolean | True / False |
Lowercase | Boolean | True / False |
MinimumLength | Long | Minimum length allowed for passwords. |
EnforcePasswordHistory | Boolean | True / False |
SpecialCharacters | Boolean | True / False |
Uppercase | Boolean | True / False |
PasswordAge | Long | Number of days password has been in use. |
MinimumLengthEnabled | Boolean | True / False |
Regex | String | Regular expression |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
QuotaList | Array | Array list of quota settings. |
QuotaList (SharedQuotaSettings)
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
MaxPercentage | Long | Maximum percentage of shared size for each user. |
Quota | Long | Unit in byte. |
DestinationName | String | Name of the backup destination. |
DestinationKey | String | ID of the backup destination. |
Key | Type | Description |
PrivilegeList | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the settings. |
EnableRead | Boolean | True / False |
EnableWrite | Boolean | If write privilege is not available for the privilege, this key is removed from the result |
PrivilegeGroup | String | Name of the privilege group. |
PolicyName | String | Name of the policy. |
DisplayName | String | The name of privilege defined in properties. |
Key | Type | Description |
PreemptedBackupSetList | Array | Refer to BackupSet JSON Object in ListBackupSets API. |
Key | Type | Description |
ExcludeFileSettings | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
LastModifiedPeriodType | String | The value can be "YEAR". |
LastModifiedType | String | The value can be "PERIOD". |
LastModifiedDate | Long | Date when the setting was last modified. |
ExcludeFileSize | Boolean | True / False |
ExcludeMappedDrive | Boolean | True / False |
ExcludeLastModified | Boolean | True / False |
FileSize | Long | Size of file. |
LastModifiedPeriod | Long | Period when setting was last modified. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True / False |
BackupSetTypeList | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
VmwareSettingsList | Array | Array list; VMware settings. |
VolumeShadowCopySettingsList | Array | Array list; Volume Shadow Copy settings. |
AllowedIPSettingsList | Array | Array list; Allowed IP settings. |
FollowLinkSettingsList | Array | Array list; Follow link settings. |
InfileDeltaSettingsList | Array | Array list; In File Delta settings. |
CompressionSettingsList | Array | Array list; Compression settings. |
WinUserAuthSettingsList | Array | Array list; Windows User Authentication settings. |
FileSettingsList | Array | For use with v1 only. |
GranularRestoreSettingsList | Array | Array list; Granular Restore settings. |
OpenDirectSettingsList | Array | Array list; OpenDirect settings. |
MswindowsSystemStateSettingsList | Array | Array list; Microsoft Windows System State settings. |
DestinationSettingsList | Array | Array list; Destination settings. |
BandwidthControlSettingsList | Array | Array list; Bandwidth Control settings. |
NameSettingsList | Array | Array list; Name settings. |
MySQLSettingsList | Array | Array list; MySQL settings. |
FilePermissionsSettingsList | Array | Array list; File Permissions settings. |
RetentionPolicySettingsList | Array | Array list; Retention Policy settings. |
ShadowProtectSettingsList | Array | Array list; ShadowProtect settings. |
AdvancedSettingsList | Array | Array list; Advanced settings. |
CommandSettingsList | Array | Array list; Command settings. |
TemporaryDirectorySettingsList | Array | Array list; Temporary Directory settings. |
OracleSettingsList | Array | Array list; Oracle settings. |
LotusNotesSettingsList | Array | Array list; Lotus Notes settings. |
ReminderSettingsList | Array | Array list; Reminder settings. |
FilterSettingsList | Array | Array list; Filter settings. |
MswindowsSystemSettingsList | Array | Array list; Microsoft Windows System settings. |
LotusDominoSettingsList | Array | Array list; Lotus Domino settings. |
TiberoSettingsList | Array | Array list; Tibero settings. |
ScheduleSettingsList | Array | Array list; Schedule settings. |
EncryptionSettingsList | Array | Array list; Encryption settings. |
ArchivedLogDeletionSettingsList | Array | Array list; Archived Log Deletion settings. |
CdpSettingsList | Array | Array list; Continuous Data Protection settings. |
SourceShortcutSettingsList | Array | Array list; Source shortcut settings. |
MariaDBSettingsList | Array | Array list; MariaDB settings. |
RecycleBinSettingsList | Array | Array list; Recycle bin settings. |
DeduplicationSettingsList | Array | Array list; Deduplication settings. |
PostgreSQLSettingsList | Array | Array list; PostgreSQL settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | Enable or disable the list of Deduplication settings. |
List | Array | Array of DeduplicationSettings (Policy). |
Array - Deduplication Settings (Policy)
Key | Type | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Whether Deduplication is enabled. |
@class | String | com.ahsay.obx.cxp.cpf.policy.values.deduplication.DeduplicationSettings |
Scope | String | Either SAME_FILE or ALL_FILES, other values will result in error. |
BlockSize | Integer |
Removed in v9.5: -1 (was for "Auto" default choice in earlier v9). |
SettingsMigrated | Boolean | Whether the settings will be migrated from In-File Delta settings in next profile update. |
MigrateData | Boolean | Whether to migrate data for pre-v9 In-File Delta to v9 Deduplication when backed up. |
AppliedValueSettings | Object | AppliedValueSettings object, apply the setting to which module(s). |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | True = policy applies. |
AllowWebConsoleLogin | Boolean | True = allow backup user to login to AhsayCBS web console. |
Example 1
"PolicyGroupName":"Default settings",
Example 2 - Snippet Example (Deduplication)
"Name":"Lotus Domino"
"Name":"Microsoft Exchange Server"
"Name":"Microsoft Exchange Mail (MAPI)"
"Name":"Microsoft SQL Server"
"Name":"Microsoft Windows Virtualization"
"Name":"Microsoft Windows System Backup"
"Name":"Oracle Database Server"
"Name":"ShadowProtect Bare Metal"
"Name":"System State"
"Name":"VMware Virtualization"
"Name":"Cloud File"
"Name":"Office 365 Exchange Online"
"Name":"Default deduplication settings - VMware & Hyper-V"
Example 3 - Snippet Example (RecycleBinSettingsList)
"Name":"Lotus Domino"
"Name":"Microsoft Exchange Server"
"Name":"Microsoft Exchange Mail (MAPI)"
"Name":"Microsoft SQL Server"
"Name":"Microsoft Windows Virtualization"
"Name":"Microsoft Windows System Backup"
"Name":"Oracle Database Server"
"Name":"ShadowProtect Bare Metal"
"Name":"System State"
"Name":"VMware Virtualization"
"Name":"Cloud File"
"Name":"Office 365 Exchange Online"
This API can be used to retrieve the information of a User Group.
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup/Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > User Group
Available Since Version: 9.1
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin or API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
UserGroupID | String | Returns information of the user group with this ID. If UserGroupID and UserID are not provided, information of all user groups will be returned. |
UserID | String | Returns information of the user groups that contain the user. If UserGroupID and UserID are not provided, information of all user groups will be returned. |
UserGroupOnly | Boolean | Default value is false. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Data | UserGroupBasicInfo or UserGroupFullInfo | If UserGroupOnly is true, UserGroupBasicInfo is returned. Otherwise, UserGroupFillInfo is returned. |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
JSON Objects
Key | Type | Description |
ID | String | ID of the user group. |
Name | UserGroupBasicInfor or UserGroupFullInfo | Name of the user group. |
Type | String | Value is BACKUP_USER. |
Owner | String | Owner of the user group. |
Key | Type | Description |
ID | String | ID of the user group |
Name | UserGroupBasicInfor or UserGroupFullInfo | Name of the user group. |
Type | String | Value is BACKUP_USER. |
Owner | String | Owner of the user group. |
Users | Array of User | Array list of users assigned to the user group. |
PolicyGroup | Array of Policy | Array list of assigned policy group to the user group. |
Key | Type | Description |
LoginName | String | Backup user name. |
Owner | String | Owner of the user. |
UserId | String | ID of the user. |
Key | Type | Description |
ID | String | ID of the policy. |
Name | String | Name of the policy. |
"Name":"All Users"
This API lets you modify the name of the User Group, add users or delete user to / from a User Group.
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup / Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > User Group
Available Since Version: 9.1
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin or API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
ID | String | User Group ID obtainable from ListUserGroups API. |
UserGroupName | String | Name of the user group. |
UserIdList | String | User names to be added to or removed from the user group. Multiple login names, separated by commas, are accepted. For example: user1, user2, user3. |
Mode | String | The value can be one of the following: A (default value) or D. IF the value is "A", users in UserIdList will be added to the user group. If the value is "D", users in the UserIdList will be removed from the user group. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
Example 1
OUTPUT - User does not exist
"Message":"[UserCacheManager.NoSuchUserExpt] User ‘user’ not found.",
Example 2: Incorrect parameter mode
"Message":"[Error] Parameter Mode must either be A or D!",
UpdatePolicyGroup (v1,v2)
This API can be used to update settings of a Policy Group.
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup / Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > Policy Group
The Policy Group ID can be created using or can be found from the AhsayCBS Policy Group page, by looking at the URL. Example: https://CBS>EXAMPLE.COM/cbs/obs/policy/
Deprecated Since Version:
For features related to Quota Management, administrator needs to utilize v2
Available Since Version: 9.5
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin or API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
ID | String | Policy Group ID. |
Name | String | Name of the policy group. |
Owner | String | SubAdmin name if Policy is to be assigned to a SubAdmin. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
JSON Objects
Key | Type | Description |
TiberoSettingsList | Array | Array for Tibero settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
AppliedModuleSettingsList | Array | The string can be one of the following values: FILE, Cloud File, Lotus Domino, Lotus Notes, MariaDB, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Exchange Mail (MAPI), Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Windows Virtualization, Microsoft Windows System Backup, MySQL, Oracle Database Server, Shadow Protect Bare Metal, System State, VMware Virtualization, Office 365 Exchange Online, Tibero Database Server or PostgreSQL. If a string is added to the array, that module is selected. |
Key | Type | Description |
@class | String | The value can be one of the following:
BusinessApplicationKey | String | Application key of Dropbox for Business; for Dropbox only. |
BusinessApplicationSecret | String | Application key of Dropbox for Business; for Dropbox only. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | "OK" or "Error" |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Id | String | ID of the setting. |
Host | String | Hostname or IP of the Tibero Database Server. |
Port | String | Port number of the Tibero Database Server. Default is 8629. |
LoginID | String | Login ID used to login to the Tibero Database Server. |
Password | String | Password used to login to the Tibero Database Server. |
Sid | String | Tibero Database Server SID. |
Version | String | Tibero Database Server version. |
AppliedValueSettings | Array | See AppliedValueSettings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | "OK" or "Error" |
List | Array | Array list of settings. |
Key | Type | Description |
Enable | Boolean | "OK" or "Error" |
Username | String | Username used to login to PostgreSQL. |
Password | String | Password used to login to PostgreSQL. |
Host | String | Hostname or IP of PostgreSQL. |
Port | String | Port number of PostgreSQL. Default is 5432. |
PostgreSQLDumpPath | String | Dump path of PostgreSQL. |
Key | Type | Description |
TiberoSettingsList | Array | Array for Tibero settings. |
Example 1
"Name":"Default settings",
Example 2: Deduplication (snippet)
"Name":"Lotus Domino"
"Name":"Lotus Notes"
"Name":"Microsoft Exchange Server"
"Name":"Microsoft Exchange Mail (MAPI)"
"Name":"Microsoft SQL Server"
"Name":"Microsoft Windows Virtualization"
"Name":"Microsoft Windows System Backup"
"Name":"Oracle Database Server"
"Name":"ShadowProtect Bare Metal"
"Name":"System State"
"Name":"VMware Virtualization"
"Name":"Cloud File"
"Name":"Office 365 Exchange Online"
"Name":"Default deduplication settings - VMware & Hyper-V"
Example 3
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"List": []
"DisplayName":"Backup Sets"
"DisplayName":"Links to Social Media"
"DisplayName":"General Tab"
"DisplayName":"General Settings",
"DisplayName":"Contacts Tab"
"DisplayName":"Contacts Settings",
"DisplayName":"Timezone Tab"
"DisplayName":"Timezone Settings",
"DisplayName":"Password Tab"
"DisplayName":"Password Settings",
"DisplayName":"Encryption Recovery Tab"
"DisplayName":"Encryption Recovery Settings",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - Name",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - IBM Domino",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - IBM Notes",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - MS Exchange Server",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - MS Hyper-V",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - MSSQL Server",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - Windows System Backup",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - Windows System State Backup",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - MySQL Server",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - Oracle Database Server",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - VMware Host",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - Shadow Protect",
"DisplayName":"General Settings - Windows User Authentication",
"DisplayName":"Source Tab"
"DisplayName":"Source Settings - BackupSource",
"DisplayName":"Source Settings - Filter",
"DisplayName":"Backup Schedule Tab"
"DisplayName":"Backup Schedule Settings",
"DisplayName":"Continuous Backup Tab"
"DisplayName":"Continuous Backup Settings",
"DisplayName":"Destination Tab"
"DisplayName":"Destination Settings",
"DisplayName":"In-File Delta Tab"
"DisplayName":"In-File Delta Settings",
"DisplayName":"Retention Policy Tab"
"DisplayName":"Retention Policy Settings",
"DisplayName":"Command Line Tool Tab"
"DisplayName":"Command Line Tool Settings",
"DisplayName":"Reminder Tab"
"DisplayName":"Reminder Settings",
"DisplayName":"Bandwidth Control Tab"
"DisplayName":"Bandwidth Control Settings",
"DisplayName":"Others Tab"
"DisplayName":"Others Settings - Temporary Directory",
"DisplayName":"Others Settings - Follow Link",
"DisplayName":"Others Settings - Volume Shadow Copy",
"DisplayName":"Others Settings - File Permissions",
"DisplayName":"Others Settings - Archived Log Deletion",
"DisplayName":"Others Settings - Compressions",
"DisplayName":"Others Settings - Encryption",
"DisplayName":"Proxy Tab"
"DisplayName":"Proxy Settings",
"DisplayName":"Windows Event Log Tab"
"DisplayName":"Windows Event Log Settings",
"DisplayName":"Data Integrity Check"
"DisplayName":"Space Freeing Up"
"DisplayName":"Delete Backup Data"
"DisplayName":"Add and Remove Backup Set"
"DisplayName":"General Tab"
OUTPUT 1: If no errors
OUTPUT 2: If v1 UpdatePolicyGroup parameter FileSettingsList was in the input
"Message":"FileSettingsList” is deprecated. It is only supported in UpdatePolicyGroup v1 API. Please use ‘SourceShortcutSettingsList’ instead",
OUTPUT 3: If ClientID is empty from the input
"Message":"ClientID cannot be empty in OneDrive4Biz of CustomDestinationList!",
OUTPUT 4: If RedirectURI is empty from the input
"Message":"RedirectURI cannot be empty in OneDrive4Biz of CustomDestinationList!",
OUTPUT 5: If ChinaClientID is empty from the input
"Message":"ChinaClientID cannot be empty in OneDrive4Biz of CustomDestinationList!",
OUTPUT 6: If ChinaRedirectURI is empty from the input
"Message":"ChinaRedirectURI cannot be empty in OneDrive4Biz of CustomDestinationList!",
The same error will also be displayed if the ClientID, RedirectURI, ChinaClientID, or ChinaRedirectURI is empty in the CloudSourceList.
It is highly recommended for administrators to retrieve all policy settings with the v2 ListPolicyGroups API. Update the values of the settings to be changed, based on the response parameters returned by the v2 ListPolicyGroups API.
Example 4: Incorrect Value
"Message":"Invalid value. 'QuotaType' must be 'TOTAL_QUOTA' or 'PER_DESTINATION_QUOTA'.",
Example 5: Incorrect Value
"Message":"Invalid value 'StorageQuota'. Error: Must be a positive number.",
This API lets you add (create) a new Policy Group and optionally allocate it to User Group(s), returned is the PolicyGroupID that can be used with
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup / Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > Policy Group
Available Since Version: 9.1
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin or API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
Name | String | Name of the policy group. |
Owner | String | SubAdmin name if Policy is to be assigned to a SubAdmin. |
UserGroupIDList | Array of Strings | Array of User Group ID. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
PolicyGroupID | String | ID of the policy group. |
Example 1
"Name":"Default settings",
"Message":"[Error] Parameter Name, Default settings, already exists!",
Example 2
"Name":"UG Test",
Example 3
"Name":"UG Test",
"Message":"[Error] Parameter UserGroupID, 3 is not a 13-digit format!",
Example 4
"Name":"UG Test",
"Message":"JSONArray[0] is not a String (class java.lang.Integer : 0).",
Example 5
"Name":"UG Test",
"Message":"[Error] Parameter Owner ‘0’ is not a valid owner.",
This API lets you assign Policy Group(s) to a User Group.
The settings can be found on the AhsayCBS web console at:
- Backup / Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > User Group
Available Since Version: 9.1
Key | Type | Description |
SysUser | String | Username of an AhsayCBS System User with Admin or API role. |
SysPwd | String | Password matching SysUser. |
UserGroupID | String | ID of user group. |
PolicyGroupIDList | Array of Strings | Array of Policy Group ID. |
Return Values
Key | Type | Description |
Status | String | "OK" or "Error" |
Message | String | Error message, it only appears if status displays "Error". |
ExptType | String | The type of exception, will only be displayed if the status is "Error". |
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
"Message":"[Error] Parameter PolicyGroupIDList, 1686626692901, already exists in UserGroupID 1686621934417!",
Example 4
"Message":"[Error] Parameter UserGroupID, 2 is not 13-digit format!",
Example 5
"Message":"[Error] Parameter UserGroupID, 1111111111111 does not exist!",