FAQs Ahsay Backup Destination Summary Answers to questions commonly asked about backup destinations like what it is. Which cloud storage services are supported etc.
Where are the backup client application logs stored at? Summary Path where the backup client application logs can be found.
Configure Antivirus Exclusions for Ahsay Summary List of directories paths and software processes that should be excluded in all antivirus software.
Why Ahsay's default self-signed certificates are generally not suitable for business use Summary When to use dummy / self-sign certificate
Transfer Backup Users Between AhsayCBS Servers Summary Instruction to migration Backup Users between AhsayCBS Servers
Seedload Initial AhsayACB/AhsayOBM Backup from Local Storage to Cloud Summary Instruction to to perform a backup to a local destination and to import the data onto a cloud storage destination.
AhsayOBM Data Integrity Check on Linux (CLI) Summary Know-How article outlines the steps to perform a Data Integrity Check in AhsayOBM on a Linux / FreeBSD machine with Command Line Interface
Best Practices for Ahsay Encryption Key Management Summary Know-How article answers some of the frequently asked questions about encryption key
Relocate AhsayACB / AhsayOBM to a new machine Summary Know-How article contain instructions on how to move an AhsayOBM / AhsayACB installation onto another machine
Recover users.xml File on AhsayCBS Summary Know-How article will discuss how to recover a previous version of the users.xml file from a backup on AhsayCBS