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Technical Videos

"Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters" error when generating backup reports

The following error message is shown in the AhsayCBS obs_context_yyyy-mm-dd.log everytime a backup report cannot be generated when AhsayOBM/AhsayACB client is running on a Windows machine.

Backup Source cannot include the location for storing the system backup (MS Windows System backup)

When creating an MS Windows System backup set, the following error message is displayed on the backup client interface:

How to configure the maximum number of concurrent Run on Server backup jobs on AhsayCBS?

This Know-How video will discusses how to configure the maximum number of concurrent agentless backup that can be run on AhsayCBS server.

Where do I find the details of the storage quota used for each backup user account on AhsayCBS

This Know-How video presents the different methods you can utilize to find the details of the storage quota used for each backup user account on AhsayCBS.

How to modify the Java Heap size setting for run on server Microsoft 365 backup jobs?

This Know-How video outlines the steps on how to modify the Java heap size setting for Run-on-Server Microsoft 365 backup job.

How to customize email reports of AhsayCBS?

This video contains instructions on how to customize the email reports (e.g. font type, font size, wordings) of your AhsayCBS.

How to change the temporary directory of Run on Server jobs?

This Know-How video outlines the steps on how to change the temporary directory of Run-on-Server jobs.

Applying the Redirector license shows error 099

When applying a license in the [System Settings] > [License] > [Redirector] menu on the AhsayCBS web console, the following error is displayed:

How to hide social media icons in AhsayOBM/AhsayACB?

By default, social media icons are visible in the user interface of the AhsayOBM / AhsayACB clients upon opening.

How to start a backup job on your AhsayOBM or AhsayACB clients directly from your AhsayCBS?

This video contains information on how to initiate a backup job on a AhsayOBM/AhsayACB client directly from the AhsayCBS Server.

How to add a new user home on your AhsayCBS?

Please use the following steps to Add a New User Home AhsayCBS.

How to modify the Java Heap size of your AhsayCBS server?

Please use the following steps to Modify the Java Heap Size of AhsayCBS.