CLI Login with 2FA with Twilio
Twilio Credentials Verification is only available on AhsayCBS v8.3.0.30 to v8.3.6.x. It is deprecated since AhsayCBS v9.1.0.0. Users may continue using this since settings of Twilio Credentials Verification will be automatically migrated upon upgrade. But it is not possible to setup for newly installed AhsayCBS v9.1.0.0 and later.
Login with 2FA using Twilio:
Start AhsayOBM. Enter 1.
Startup Ahsay Online Backup Manager... Config file found Login Menu ---------- (1). Login (2). Change Network Settings (3). Forgot Password (4). Quit ---------- Your Choice: 1
Enter the “Login name” and “Password” of your AhsayOBM account provided by your backup service provider.
Login Name : user Password : ********** Please wait while verifying user accoung with server... Your profile has been downloaded and updated.
Select your phone number to receive the passcode.
MFALogin ---------- Please select phone number to receive passcode via SMS message to continue login. (1). 63 - ******7890 (2). 63 - ******1234 Your Choice: 1
Enter the passcode generated in your authenticator app.
Mobile2FALogin ---------- Please enter the passcode to continue login. Passcode : 481267
After successfully logging in the "Main Menu" will be displayed.
Main Menu ---------- (1). List Backup Sets (2). Delete Backup Set (3). Export Backup Set Settings to XML (4). Import Backup Set Settings from XML (5). Generate new Backup Set Settings Template (6). Change Language [English] (7). Update Profile Settings (8). Quit ---------- Your Choice: