Update Profile Settings CLI Overview
Update Profile Settings Overview
This option allows you to modify the profile settings.
From the "Main Menu", select option 7 to update the profile settings.
Main Menu
(1). List Backup Sets
(2). Delete Backup Set
(3). Export Backup Set Settings to XML
(4). Import Backup Set Settings from XML
(5). Generate new Backup Set Settings Template
(6). Change Language [English]
(7). Update Profile Settings
(8). Quit
Your Choice: 7
Profile Menu
(1). General
(2). Contacts
(3). Time Zone [GMT+08:00 (SGT)]
(4). Encryption Recovery [Enabled]
(5). Change Password
(6). Return
Your Choice:
There are 5 profile settings that can be mofidied, which are:
From the "General Menu", you can do the following:
- modify the user information
- view the last successful login of the user
To do this, select 1 from the "Profile Menu".
Profile Menu
(1). General
(2). Contats
(3). Time Zone [GMT+08:00 (SGT)]
(4). Encryption Recovery [Enabled]
(5). Change Password
(6). Return
Your Choice: 1
General Menu
(1). User Information
(2). Last Successful Login
(3). Return
Your Choice:
User Information
In the “User Information”, you can modify the display name by selecting 1. Then enter your preferred display name. Once updated the new display name will be displayed in the “User Information” menu.
General Menu
(1). User Information
(2). Last Successful Login
(3). Return
Your Choice: 1
User Information
(1). Modify Display Name
(2). Return
Your Choice: 1
Display name: Tom Smith
Display name is updated!
User Information
(1). Modify Display Name [Tom Smith]
(2). Return
Your Choice:
Last Successful Login
You can view the time, IP address and browser or app used to login by the user by selecting 2 in the "General Menu".
General Menu
(1). User Information
(2). Last Successful Login
(3). Return
Your Choice: 2
Last Successful Login
Time: 06/01/2023 13:39
IP Address:
Browser / App: OBM
Press Enter to continue...
Select option 2 to display the different options for your contact information.
Profile Menu
(1). General
(2). Contats
(3). Time Zone [GMT+08:00 (SGT)]
(4). Encryption Recovery [Enabled]
(5). Change Password
(6). Return
Your Choice: 2
(1). List
(2). Update
(3). Add
(4). Delete
(5). Save and Return
(6). Discard and return
Your Choice:
Although there are six (6) options to choose from under "Contacts", the last two (Save and Return, Discard and return) are options that return you to the previous menu.
Save and return saves any changes you made, while Discard and return will not save any changes. Both options will return you to the previous menu.
Below are the options under Contacts that can be changed:
To see a list of contacts, select option 1.
(1). List
(2). Update
(3). Add
(4). Delete
(5). Save and Return
(6). Discard and return
Your Choice: 1
Name: Tom Smith, Email: tom.smith@email.com
To update an existing contact information, select option 2
Enter the contact name that you wish to update and provide the new information.
(1). List
(2). Update
(3). Add
(4). Delete
(5). Save and Return
(6). Discard and return
Your Choice: 2
Enter contact name: Tom Smith
Name: Joe Smithson
Email: joe.smithson@email.com
Send me encrypted email (S/MIME) (Y/N) ? N
Address: Staten Is, NY
Company: Ahsay
Website: www.ahsay.com
Phone 1: 1234567890
Phone 2: 0912345689
To check if the update was successful, select option 1 to list the contact information
(1). List
(2). Update
(3). Add
(4). Delete
(5). Save and Return
(6). Discard and return
Your Choice: 1
Name: Joe Smithson, Email: joe.smithson@email.com
Add a new contact information by selecting option 3.
(1). List
(2). Update
(3). Add
(4). Delete
(5). Save and Return
(6). Discard and return
Your Choice: 3
Name: Amy Smithers
Email: amy.smithers@email.com
Send me encrypted email (S/MIME) (Y/N) ? N
Address: Las Vegas, NY
Company: Ahsay
Website: www.ahsay.com
Phone 1: 1234567890
Phone 2: 0912345689
To check if the contact was added, select option 1 to list the contact information.
(1). List
(2). Update
(3). Add
(4). Delete
(5). Save and Return
(6). Discard and return
Your Choice: 1
Name: Joe Smithson, Email: joe.smithson@email.com
Name: Amy Smithers, Email: amy.smithers@email.com
To delete a contact, select option 4, then input the contact name that you want to delete.
(1). List
(2). Update
(3). Add
(4). Delete
(5). Save and Return
(6). Discard and return
Your Choice: 4
Enter contact name : Joe Smithson
To check if the contact was deleted, select option 1 to list the contact information.
(1). List
(2). Update
(3). Add
(4). Delete
(5). Save and Return
(6). Discard and return
Your Choice: 1
Name: Amy Smithers, Email: amy.smithers@email.com
Time Zone
To modify the time zone, select option 3. Select from the list of available time zones.
Profile Menu
(1). General
(2). Contats
(3). Time Zone [GMT+08:00 (SGT)]
(4). Encryption Recovery [Enabled]
(5). Change Password
(6). Return
Your Choice: 3
(1). GMT-11:00 (NUT)
(2). GMT-11:00 (SST)
(3). GMT-10:00 (CKT)
(4). GMT-10:00 (HADT)
(5). GMT-10:00 (HST)
(6). GMT-10:00 (TAHT)
(7). GMT-09:00 (AKDT)
(8). GMT-09:00 (GAMT)
(9). GMT-08:00 (PDT)
(10). GMT-08:00 (PST)
(11). GMT-07:00 (MDT)
(12). GMT-07:00 (MST)
(13). GMT-06:00 (CST)
(14). GMT-06:00 (EAST)
(15). GMT-06:00 (GALT)
(16). GMT-05:00 (CDT)
(17). GMT-05:00 (COT)
(18). GMT-05:00 (ECT)
(19). GMT-05:00 (EST)
(20). GMT-05:00 (GMT-05:00)
(21). GMT-05:00 (PET)
(22). GMT-04:30 (VET)
(23). GMT-04:00 (ACT)
(24). GMT-04:00 (ADT)
(25). GMT-04:00 (AMT)
(26). GMT-04:00 (AST)
(27). GMT-04:00 (BOT)
(28). GMT-04:00 (CLT)
(29). GMT-04:00 (EDT)
(30). GMT-04:00 (GYT)
(31). GMT-04:00 (PYT)
(32). GMT-03:30 (NST)
(33). GMT-03:00 (ART)
(34). GMT-03:00 (BET)
(35). GMT-03:00 (BRT)
(36). GMT-03:00 (FKT)
(37). GMT-03:00 (GFT)
(38). GMT-03:00 (PMDT)
(39). GMT-03:00 (SRT)
(40). GMT-03:00 (UYT)
(41). GMT-03:00 (WGST)
(42). GMT-02:00 (FNT)
(43). GMT-02:00 (GST)
(44). GMT-01:00 (AZOST)
(45). GMT-01:00 (CVT)
(46). GMT-01:00 (EGST)
(47). GMT-01:00 (EGT)
(48). GMT+00:00 (BST)
(49). GMT+00:00 (GMT)
(50). GMT+00:00 (IST)
(51). GMT+00:00 (UTC)
(52). GMT+00:00 (WEST)
(53). GMT+00:00 (WET)
(54). GMT+01:00 (CET)
(55). GMT+01:00 (WAT)
(56). GMT+02:00 (CAT)
(57). GMT+02:00 (CEST)
(58). GMT+02:00 (EEST)
(59). GMT+02:00 (EET)
(60). GMT+02:00 (IDT)
(61). GMT+02:00 (SAST)
(62). GMT+03:00 (ADT)
(63). GMT+03:00 (AST)
(64). GMT+03:00 (EAT)
(65). GMT+03:30 (IRST)
(66). GMT+04:00 (AMST)
(67). GMT+04:00 (AZST)
(68). GMT+04:00 (GEST)
(69). GMT+04:00 (GST)
(70). GMT+04:00 (MSD)
(71). GMT+04:00 (MUT)
(72). GMT+04:00 (RET)
(73). GMT+04:00 (SAMST)
(74). GMT+04:00 (SCT)
(75). GMT+05:00 (AQTST)
(76). GMT+05:00 (MAWT)
(77). GMT+05:00 (MVT)
(78). GMT+05:00 (PKT)
(79). GMT+05:00 (TFT)
(80). GMT+05:00 (TJT)
(81). GMT+05:00 (TMT)
(82). GMT+05:00 (UZT)
(83). GMT+05:30 (IST)
(84). GMT+05:30 (LKT)
(85). GMT+06:00 (ALMST)
(86). GMT+06:00 (BDT)
(87). GMT+06:00 (BTT)
(88). GMT+06:00 (IOT)
(89). GMT+06:00 (KGST)
(90). GMT+06:00 (YEKST)
(91). GMT+07:00 (CXT)
(92). GMT+07:00 (ICT)
(93). GMT+07:00 (JAVT)
(94). GMT+07:00 (NOVT)
(95). GMT+08:00 (BNT)
(96). GMT+08:00 (BORT)
(97). GMT+08:00 (CST)
(98). GMT+08:00 (HKT)
(99). GMT+08:00 (KRAT)
(100). GMT+08:00 (MYT)
(101). GMT+08:00 (PHT)
(102). GMT+08:00 (SGT)
(103). GMT+08:00 (ULAT)
(104). GMT+08:00 (WST)
(105). GMT+09:00 (IRKST)
(106). GMT+09:00 (JAYT)
(107). GMT+09:00 (JST)
(108). GMT+09:00 (KST)
(109). GMT+09:00 (PWT)
(110). GMT+09:30 (CST)
(111). GMT+10:00 (ChST)
(112). GMT+10:00 (DDUT)
(113). GMT+10:00 (EST)
(114). GMT+10:00 (PGT)
(115). GMT+10:00 (TRUT)
(116). GMT+10:00 (YAKT)
(117). GMT+11:00 (KOST)
(118). GMT+11:00 (NCT)
(119). GMT+11:00 (PONT)
(120). GMT+11:00 (SBT)
(121). GMT+11:00 (VLAT)
(122). GMT+11:00 (VUT)
(123). GMT+12:00 (ANAST)
(124). GMT+12:00 (FJT)
(125). GMT+12:00 (GILT)
(126). GMT+12:00 (MAGT)
(127). GMT+12:00 (MHT)
(128). GMT+12:00 (NRT)
(129). GMT+12:00 (NZST)
(130). GMT+12:00 (PETST)
(131). GMT+12:00 (TVT)
(132). GMT+12:00 (WAKT)
(133). GMT+12:00 (WFT)
(134). GMT+13:00 (TKT)
(135). GMT+13:00 (WST)
(136). Cancel
Your Choice:
Encryption Recovery
To modify the encryption key settings, select option 4. If this feature is enabled, an encryption key will be uploaded after running a recovery backup.
Profile Menu
(1). General
(2). Contats
(3). Time Zone [GMT+08:00 (SGT)]
(4). Encryption Recovery [Enabled]
(5). Change Password
(6). Return
Your Choice: 4
Upload encryption key (Y/N) ? Y
Encryption recovery setting is updated!
Profile Menu
(1). General
(2). Contats
(3). Time Zone [GMT+08:00 (SGT)]
(4). Encryption Recovery [Disabled]
(5). Change Password
(6). Return
Your Choice:
Change Password
If you wish to update your password, select option 5 from the "Profile Menu". Input your old password and replace it with a new one. Re-enter your new password and it will be updated.
Profile Menu
(1). General
(2). Contats
(3). Time Zone [GMT+08:00 (SGT)]
(4). Encryption Recovery [Enabled]
(5). Change Password
(6). Return
Your Choice: 5
Old Password: *************
New Password: *************
Re-Enter new password: *************
Password is updated!