v9.13.0 Release Notes (02-Dec-2024)
Limitation / Known Issue of This Version
Deployment / Upgrade
- For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.
- Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v9 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.
This release contains the major features listed below:
Administrative Management
- CBS - Support rename for system users (ref: T-38977)
- CBS - Add License Usage to "Export Users' Usage Statistics to CSV" option in User List (ref: T-39111)
- CBS - Add "Beautify JSON" option to System File Explorer (ref: T-39449)
General / Miscellaneous
- OBC - Exclude "System Reserved Volume" from taking VSS for ALL volume list (ref: T-40646)
Group Feature / Reseller Panel
- CBS - Add option in Group Policy to hide "Session key" in AhsayACB/AhsayOBM (ref: T-40330)
- CBS - Add option in Group Policy to hide Authentication Tab in AhsayACB/AhsayOBM (ref: T-40650)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - Hyper-V
- OBM - Support Compression and Encryption for Hyper-V RunDirect & Granular Restore (ref: T-22919)
- OBM - Support RunDirect from Cloud Destination (ref: T-25780)
- OBM - Support Compression and Encryption for Hyper-V Granular Restore (ref: T-35248)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - VMware
- OBM - Support Compression and Encryption for VMware RunDirect(ref: T-19382)
- OBM - Support RunDirect from Cloud Destination (ref: T-25780)
- OBM - Support Compression and Encryption for VMware Granular Restore (ref: T-35248)
- OBM - Support for vCenter 6.7U3u (ref: T-40968)
- OBM - Support for VMware Workstation Player 17.6 (ref: T-40969)
- OBM - Support for VMware Fusion 13.6 (ref: T-40970)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - MariaDB
- OBM - Support for MariaDB 11.3 (ref: T-40557)
- OBM - Support for MariaDB 11.5 (ref: T-40967)
- OBM - Support mariadb-dump for MariaDB 11 or above (ref: T-41031)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - MySQL
- OBM - Support for MySQL 9 (ref: T-40384)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - PostgreSQL
- OBM - Support for PostgreSQL (ref: T-40670)
Synology / QNAP NAS
- OBM - Support for QNAP QTS 5.2 (ref: T-40772)
Operating Systems
- OBM - Support for Debian 11.11 (ref: T-40965)
- CBS, OBM - Support for Ubuntu 24.04.01 LTS (ref: T-40966)
- CBS - Display %THIS_YEAR% in copyright line with Build time (ref: T-39023)
Bug Fixes
- CBS - "ListBackupJobs" responds with "OK" but does not return any data (ref: T-41184)
General / Miscellaneous
- CBS - Incorrect Storage usage displayed in CBS (ref: T-39881)
- CBS - Encountered "Delete file(s) error" in Delete Backup Data job (ref: T-40489)
- OBM - Restore from S3/S3 compatible destinations gets "pad block corrupted" error (ref: T-40486)
- OBM - Preempted File Backupset not asking for encryption key when restoring to different machine (ref: T-40762)
- OBC - Backup failed if the Windows Users name contained Non-ASCII character (ref: T-40810)
- OBC - OBC not asking for 2FA Key to relogin after session timeout (ref: T-40819)
- OBC - Customize app OneDrive get error "Failed to get OAuth2Tokens after retrieved from OneDrive" (ref: T-40885)
- OBC - Backup gets error "The database disk image is malformed (database disk image is malformed)" (ref: T-40939)
- OBC - Backup & Restore getting error "Failed to extract chunk data from %path%. Will retry after x seconds" (ref: T-40954)
- OBC - Restore getting pad block corrupted error (ref: T-41009)
- OBC - Backup & Restore getting error "Failed to getInputStream of file %file%" (ref: T-41014)
- CBS, OBC - Snapshots with Advanced Retention is not showing in Restore List (ref: T-40476)
- CBS, OBC - Data Integrity Check with Rebuild Index and CRC enabled, failed to delete corrupted BAK file (ref: T-40992)
Group Feature / Reseller Panel
- CBS - No user home and owner are shown in the dropdown list when transferring backup user ownership (ref: T-40317)
- CBS - Some Subadmin users are not prompted to set up 2FA after logged in (ref: T-40844)
- CBS - Unable to hide Delete Backup Data option in SynologyOBM (ref: T-41066)
CloudFile & File Backup/Restore
- CBS - Dropbox CloudFile Backup getting error "Failed to list sPath=''" (ref: T-40827)
- OBM - File Backup failed when deduplication is enabled on local destination with error "File: %.BAK% NOT found" (ref: T-40653)
- OBM - File Backup getting "Error=javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: pad block corrupted" (ref: T-40682)
- OBM - File Restored to the incorrect target destination (ref: T-40174)
- OBM - File Backup on Wasabi destination fails with error "Failed to rename downloaded index in temp directory" (ref: T-40779)
- OBM - Linux File Backup included Non-regular files (ref: T-40861)
- OBM - File Restore getting error "NotInGZipFormat" (ref: T-40922)
- OBM - Google Drive CloudFile Backup to AWS S3 Destination is slow (Ref: T-41173)
- OBC - OneDrive Files with Hebrew characters are restored with incorrect name (%+Heximal) (ref: T-41013)
- OBC - Restore requested encryption key for No encrpytion backupsets (ref: T-41228)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - Hyper-V
- OBM - Restore gets error "Fail to import Virtual Machine" (ref: T-40733)
- OBM - Request encryption key in Hyper-V Granular Restore (ref: T-40880)
- OBM - OBM Prompted to install FSRedirector.sys during Hyper-V Restore job (ref: T-41055)
- OBM - Backup getting error "Failed to take VM recovery checkpoint. Checkpoint operation for %VM_NAME% failed." (ref: T-41105)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - Microsoft365
- CBS - Backup encountered "Invalid National Cloud Token" (ref: T-40393)
- CBS - Backup fails with the error: Failed to resolve backup source shortcut paths. Error=Redirect URI not defined for client ID (ref: T-40546)
- CBS - Backup "Failed to handle selected source %path% Reason='java.sql.SQLException: [TemporaryTable.list] Failed to list on table .." (ref: T-40730)
- CBS - Backup fails with error "Fail to process %path% Reason=java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0" (ref: T-40843)
- CBS - Backup gets error "Failed to upload cached index file, Unable to log changes" (ref: T-40865)
- CBS - No Data is being displayed on Restore UI (ref: T-40959)
- CBS - Restore getting error "Failed to restore %Source% Fail to deserialize List meta" (ref: T-41043)
- OBM - Backup and Data Integrity Check encountered "javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: pad block corrupted" error (ref: T-40337)
- OBM - Backup encountered Error "The file .. does not exist.404 Not Found" (ref: T-40579)
- CBS, OBC - Incorrect Restore Location for Microsoft Teams Channel (ref: T-39546)
- CBS, OBC - Backup getting a lot of retries due to API calls quota exceeded (ref: T-40444)
- CBS, OBC - Version History radio buttons are not displaying during restore (ref: T-40751)
- CBS, OBC - Backup is getting an error "Fail to process '%path%'.Reason=Sorry, there have been too many expensive sharing operations." (ref: T-40946, 41008)
- CBS, OBC - Backup error "Exception of type "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ResourceNotFoundException"" was thrown (ref: T-41267)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - Microsoft SQL
- OBM - OBM crash when selecting Backup source in Backupset settings (ref: T-40863)
- OBM - Unable to login SQL server instance: (ref: T-41216)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - MariaDB
- OBM - CLI Restore to original location failed with null error (ref: T-41172)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - Oracle Database Server
- OBM - Backupset creation getting error "[SQLException] Unsupported character set (add orai18n.jar to the classpath)" (ref: T-40860)
- CBS, OBC - Backup fails with error "Current index version "1450" is not compatible to supported version "1440" (ref: T-40792)
- CBS - Backup Report sending delays if Subadmin(s)'s SMTP server timeout (ref: T-40608)
- CBS - Unable to generate and send Restore Drill reports (ref: T-41106)
Synology / QNAP NAS
- OBM - Encountered "Error occured, please try again" when creating backup set on QNAP NAS (ref: T-40741)
- OBM - SynologyOBM Backup stuck (ref: T-41183)
Systems Maintenance
- CBS - Large yyyy-mm-log.db file filled System Home storage and crashes CBS (ref: T-40587)
- OBM - Significant I/O impact on S3 Compatible Storage (ref: T-40581)
- OBM - Schedulder does not automatically run after reboot on Rocky Linux 8 (ref: T-40805)
- OBM - Backup on Ubuntu get stuck with high cpu usage (ref: T-41076)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayACB & AhsayOBM - OBC
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS