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v9.5.2.0 Release Notes (09-Jan-2023)

Limitation / Known Issue of This Version

Deployment / Upgrade

  • For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.


  • Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v9 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.

This release contains the major features listed below:


Administrative Management

  • CBS - Support forget password for subadmins (ref: T-35596)

Backup Destination

  • CBS, OBC - Support of Google Cloud Storage - Tel Aviv (ref: T-35691)

General / Miscellaneous

  • CBS - Hide “OEM” from Product Name & License Type in License page (ref: T-35913)


  • OBM - VMWare Backup Performance Tuning (ref: T-35854)
  • OBM - VMWare Restore Performance Tuning (ref: T-35772)
  • CBS, OBC - Performance Tuning for backing up [New files] (ref: T-36036)
  • CBS, OBC - Performance Tuning for sFTP Destination (ref: T-36012)

Bug Fixes

Administrative Management

  • CBS - Meter Key “Usage” tab, missing individual Size values for associated Host (ref: T-35652)
  • CBS - Subadmin connector change doesn't apply to its subsidiary subadmins (ref: T-35942)
  • CBS - CBS shows “Recycle Bin” option to OBM users while “View” is disabled in Policy GUI Settings (ref: T-35989)
  • CBS - Backup destination was deleted when destination no longer enabled in effective policy and saved backup set (ref: T-36025)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - CloudFile

  • CBS - Backup encountered error “[Updated File] File=”%File_Path%“ Error=“ Pipe closed (ref: T-35767)
  • CBS - Restore to alternate location from Aliyun gets error: Failed to mkdirs, path xxx caused by [C] The specified object is not valid (ref: T-35769)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - Hyper-V

  • OBM - Backup gets error “The parameter is incorrect” (ref: T-36013)
  • OBM - Cluster Backup fails with errors [New File] File= ….VHDX_%strange_string% Error=“ Header corrupted …” (ref: T-35799)
  • OBM - Restore gets error “Reason = “Failed to import a virtual machine from a file. Error: 'The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.” (ref: T-35999)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - MS Exchange Mail

  • OBM - PDIC gets error “Error: ”[j] null, caused by [q] null” (ref: T-35706)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - Microsoft365

  • CBS - No Email & Teams Chat notifications when performing save archive files to a destination in OneDrive of Original & Alternate Microsoft365 Organization (ref: T-35785)
  • OBM - Backup gets error “Failed to open index … since no local index available and not to create new index. Stack:java.lang.Exception … error” (ref: T-36094)
  • CBS, OBC - Backup gets error “Failed to handle same file, sPath=Office 365/Site It may have been deleted by another user. 404 Not Found ” (ref: T-35807)
  • CBS, OBC - Backup gets error “Failed to check integrity of destination … Error: ”[j] Failed to download and open index from last job ID” (ref: T-35855)
  • CBS, OBC - Backup gets error “SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE, A UNIQUE constraint failed” (ref: T-36020)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - Microsoft SQL

  • OBM - Backup gets error “SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE, A UNIQUE constraint failed” (ref: T-36020)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - VMWare

  • OBM - Backup gets error “Err=org.sqlite.SQLiteException:[SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE] I/O error in the VFS layer while trying to write to a file on disk” (ref: T-36045)
  • OBM - Granular Restore gets “Fail to list file (The Volume does not contain a recognized file system … volume is not corrupted.)” mount error (ref: T-35493)
  • OBM - Granular restore is slow comparing with v9.3 (ref: T-35817)
  • OBM - Run direct Restore gets error “Migration failed….Error=Failed to suspend the virtual machine: Internal checkpoint error (ref: T-36046)
  • OBM - Unable to complete vCenter 6 first Restore Job (ref: T-36050)
  • OBM - Failed to restore. Reason = “Session not found”/Unknown error from class (ref: T-36057)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - Others

  • OBM - Lotus Domino/Oracle gets error “java.lang.RuntimeException: [ProjectInfo.getWorkingDir] Invalid sTempDir” on Transaction/Archived log backups (ref: T-36023)

File Backup/Restore

  • OBM - Backup gets error “A MultiException has 1 exceptions. They are 1. java.lang.IllegalStateException ServiceLocatorlmpl(xxx) has been shut down” (ref: T-36067)
  • OBM - Backup gets error ”[EncryptionSettings.setKey] Encryption key should not be updated if already exists” after upgrade (ref: T-35933)
  • OBM - Restore on Linux with ignores TEMP_DIR parameter and uses Backup Set Temp Directory (ref: T-35857)
  • OBM - Restore gets errors “[] Path … Throwable=[UtilException] and [] Path … does not exist!” (ref: T-36073)
  • OBC - macOS restored file (latest and older versions) have timestamp in their name (ref: T-35537)

Backup Destination

  • CBS, S3 Compatible - Predefined Destination error “The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided.” (ref: T-35693)
  • CBS, S3 Compatible - Predefined Destination error “403 SignatureDoesNotMatch: The request signature we calculated does not match…” using v2 Signature. (ref: T-36075)


  • CBS - Language names in Branding Information was changed into Language codes (ref: T-35862)
  • CBS - Branded CBS shows Ahsay branding after upgrading to v9.5 (ref: T-35821)
  • CBS - Branded QNAP installer sets server URL https-nio2:{URL} if using HTTPS-NIO2 connector (ref: T-36038)

General / Miscellaneous

  • CBS - AhsayCBS Web page broken when using Arabic Langauge (ref: T-36083)
  • CBS - Cancel button without response when session timeout (ref: T-35868)
  • CBS - Console returned error after clicking “Update” button in License page (ref: T-35937)
  • OBC - Backup flagged as retention snapshots when configured with Advanced Retention Policy (ref: T-35559)
  • OBC - When perform Delete Backup Data Utility, gets Error=“[RestoreOption.getRestoreSet]Temp Directory not defined” (ref: T-35964)
  • OBC - When Scroll-wheeling in Edit Backup Set General Tab, scroll is not working (ref: T-28508)
  • OBC - Application Language change whenever the user pressed a letter on keyboard (ref: T-35828)
  • OBC - No progress shown for shrink block on Application UI (ref: T-35863)


  • OBC - Backup Performance reduced after upgrade to v9.5.0.20 (ref: T-35988)

Reporting / Email report

  • CBS - Backup report of successful job is being sent as Backup ended incompletely report (ref: T-35063)
  • CBS - Missed backup report is logged and send for period schedule even when schedule settings is OFF (ref: T-35984)
  • CBS - Email Report Error “The refresh token has expired due to inactivity.” is encountered (ref: T-36010)

Storage Statistic

  • OBM - Incorrect Statistic for Deduplication Saving (Dedupe Saving) for DAG/Cluster Backupsets (ref: T-35170)
  • OBM - Incorrect Statistic for Deduplication Saving (Dedupe Saving) for VMWare Backupsets (ref: T-35846)

Synology / QNAP NAS

  • OBM - QNAP Backup gets error “BackupSetIndexDB at Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError” (ref: T-35795)
  • OBM - QNAP Backup gets error “HTTP Status 500 Message org.json.JSONException: JSONObject[“reason”] is not a string (class java.lang.Integer : 1)” (ref: T-35871)

System maintenance

  • CBS - CBS crash with Problematic frame: J 47241 C2;Ljava/lang/String;) (ref: T-35981)
  • OBC - Avoid uploading old backup logs if the backup job status is “Another job is running” (ref: T-35930)

Product Abbreviations:

  • AhsayACB - ACB
  • AhsayOBM - OBM
  • AhsayOBR - OBR
  • AhsayCBS - CBS
  • AhsayACB & AhsayOBM - OBC
  • AhsayMobile - MOB
  • Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS